Tuesday, September 30, 2008


I would choose , leslie,joseph,mom,dad,bobby.I would choose mom because I love her.I would choose my dad because I love him. I would choose joseph because he's my friend. I would choose bobby because he's my friend. I would choose leslie because she's my friend and comforts me when Im sad. I would choose all these people because there my bestes friends. 

Monday, September 29, 2008

knowledge itself is power

 I think that knowledge itself is that if you have brainpower then you strong. When your in college your going to need knowledge to get your degree. When you have knowledge you can do anything. You need knowledge to fix a car you just can't fix a car without knowing what to do.



Friday, September 26, 2008


I agree because If you give man power they would rule the world. I think adversity means poor because if you give man power they will take over the world and be rich. It will  build up character.It would be caus.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Why I DIDN"T do my process journal

       MS.Hinojosa  I did do my process journal. 


I only like good humor not bad. I wish that I knew a friend that was a comedian. I think that I know a comedian and thats my cousin RAMON. He's so funny that every time I go to his house he has to make me laugh. Even when I'm down he still makes me laugh. If he doesn't make me laugh I get really angry.I try to make him laugh but he doesn't. If he's not at his house I have to go home with out laughing. As I said I get really angry.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Please copy and paste these questions
QUIZ QUESTIONS: 10 points each question

1.  Explain the steps of the design cycle. evaluate investigate plan create.
2. Explain what your gmail account should be: from the school its like an email but its called a gmail.
3. What should your password be?your birthday and your initials
4. Do you have a Techconnect log in?  If so what is it?mpena2015
5.  What is the URL for your blog? mpena2015@gmail.com

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I feel so sad that the plane crashed into the twin towers. I also feel kind of mad because all those people shouldn't  have passed away.I also feel mad because that plane shouldn't have crashed into the twin towers.My dad had the news paper of the twin towers. He didn't let me read it because it was to sad. I am honored to be alive today.

Monday, September 8, 2008

How can I be an Ib learner

I am very caring like if somebody falls down Ill help them up.I am a risk taker because if I think its right Ill raise my hand and tell my answer to the class. I like to think a lot because if you don't think you wont know anything. I am a communicator because if you don't communicate your not nice.


     I think that our computers are different from my old school because I never liked our ugly dells. They were so slow.

Friday, September 5, 2008

What have I learned in idea mission?

 What have I learned at idea mission? Well at tech I have learned how to make a gmail and a blog. I am going to learn how to chat with my friends online at gmail . com.                                                  In science I have learned about the safety of the lab and myself. I also learned how to clean a penny.I also learned how to observe.In spanish class I have learned a little bit of spanish because its a little hard.